January 10, 2011

Wine Mentors

As you may have read in my "About Me" section, my Wine Hero is my dad, Larry Miller. He probably doesn't think of himself as a wine connoisseur, even though Dad has one of the best palates I know, and instinctually knows good wine. And of course, he's a chemist, which I am sure laid a great foundation for understanding wine at that gut level. Anyway, Dad taught me the basics of tasting and loving wine, especially the number one most important rule: drink what you love, not what someone else tells you is good.

For those seeking higher knowledge of wine, you might find it helpful to cultivate Wine Mentors. In my case, these are friends who happen to have vast knowledge and access to wine, and who incorporate it into their daily lives in the form of most excellent parties and dinners and so forth. There are three people in my life who fill this role along with being really wonderful friends, and that's the best combination.

Michael Murphy: he was the man responsible for my husband's and my move to California in that he hired my husband to work at his company. Michael and his wife Heidi also collect wine, and Michael is not just a Super Taster, he has one of the most sophisticated palates I know. Plus, Heidi and Michael are just FUN. When I taste wine with them, I learn so much each time, and then I go home feeling very happy.

Scotty Litteral: owner of Il Forno Classico and a really down-to-earth, wonderful person. Scotty hosts the best wine tasting events, including playing host to Blind on the Vine, the wine club that hubby and I finally (!) became members of a year or so ago. Scotty knows many of the vineyards in California and has recommended many of the ones we've visited and come to love. His knowledge of wine is both broad and deep, and he understands wine making. Plus, his lovely S.O., Renee, is one of my favorite people in BOTV. If you are ever in the Sacramento area, I highly recommend you visit Scotty at Il Forno Classico in Gold River, CA.

Al Reynaud: the leader of the motley crew known as BOTV, another fine palate and wine lover, and all-around great person. Al and I have a mutual dislike of "lollipops" - those women who are so thin, their heads are disporportionately big...hence the term "lollipops". I love Al, he is one of the nicest, funniest people I know. Al is another highly knowledgeable wine connoisseur, and he is willing to share and educate.

More later on both BOTV and my favorite places to taste and drink wine. Make it a great day!

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